Welcome to Le Lieu

Our Family extends a warm welcome to you. We are a family owned and operated premier venue. With a deep passion for celebrating cherished moments in life, we are thrilled to introduce Le Lieu, founded in 2022 and inspired by unwavering faith. Opening our doors in 2024, we are eager to share the rich history of this beautiful space.

The restoration journey of the historic landmark began by a divine prompting from the Holy Spirit. Guided by our commitment to live our life by faith and prayer, we strive to serve God above all else. We continued to pray about the prompting on our hearts. Hosting gatherings fills our hearts with unmeasureable joy, as we witnessed during the marriage of our oldest daughter.  This experience was more profound for us because it took place at our family home in the height of the pandemic. Her wedding illuminated the power of love and miracles.  We were blessed to share this outpouring of goodness together among family and friends and the support of so many people- a true blessing from God.

How It Started…

The Hanley Family

[Pat, Christian, Grace Ann & T Green, Camille, Thomas, & Gretchen Hanley]

Christian Hanley, Owner of Le Lieu

God is Good…

Weddings hold a special place in our hearts, symbolizing a sacred celebration where God's power can be shown through the love and goodness of others.  Following our oldest daughter's wedding, the path unfolded once again for us to acquire the historic light and water plant, now transformed into Le Lieu.  This labor of love fuels our excitement to open our doors and hearts, hoping to extend the same joy and support to you in creating your cherished moments.

What began for our family as a response to honor the prompting of the Holy Spirit has evolved into leaving a legacy for our family and town. Our children have grown accustomed to us leaning into God's guidance, taking leaps of faith without always knowing the full picture. This project was no different; it began with a clear calling for this specific building and purpose.  The timing and significance became apparent later, after much prayer.  Our passion intensifed after experiencing God's perfect timing and provision during our own daughter's wedding, turning what seemed imperfect into something beautiful and perfect.  

Leaving a Legacy

We desired to leave an authentic legacy to our children, born from a simple yes to God's will.  Recognizing the community's affection for this 100 year old landmark building, we realized it might have a greater purpose. As Le Lieu plans unfold, the history and significance for our community become intertwined with the legacy of this historical landmark.  As the building undergoes transformation, our town is experiencing a rebirth.  There's a sense of restoration in the air, with positive changes happening everywhere.  Our town leaders and residents are committed to leaving a legacy for our town, and it takes the support of everyone - residents, business owners, community leaders, and neighboring areas - to rebuild small-town America together.

Lending Local Renewal

The restoration of this historical building is important to Welsh because it symbolizes our community's dedicaiton to it's past, present, and future.  It serves as a reminder of Welsh's rich history while also giving hope of progress and renewal in our community & serving as inspiration for others to become a part of the revitalization of downtown Welsh. The preservation of small town america is dear to our hearts and crucial to the perseverance of our hertiage and restoration of downtown Welsh to boost our local econ0my. A sense of pride and identity is reflected in our shared commitment to enhance our town's charming atmosphere.

Landmark of Welsh

Le Lieu is a 100 year old landmark and holds so much history in her walls.  This magnificent building has been a cornerstone of our community's history,  originally serving as the light and water Plant built in 1928.  She also housed the police station, the fire station along with the jailhouse, all within her storied walls. This buildings enduring presense has woven itself into the fabric of our town. In a time where we as a culture are accustomed to fast and cheap, Her amazing restoration has been a labor of love exuding grandeur and bold old world romance.